Latest Technologies & Developments in the Cockpit/Flight Deck

May 21, 2025 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Safety Critical Multicore for Complex Avionics Gary Gilliland Vice President, Marketing /DDC-I Inc, USA
Why build a Certifiable avionics UI reference Platform? Mark Tootell Regional Sales Manager /SYSGO UK
Stefan Harwarth Specialist Systems Architect /Wind River, Germany

Advancements in technologies plays a key role in the development of an efficient aircraft and enhance capabilities. How can Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology offer advanced capabilities for monitoring and surveillance in aviation? What can sensors and data fusion do for avionics, enhancing situational awareness and improving safety? How can fibre optic intercom systems provide interference-free communication, ensuring clear and reliable communication between crew members? How can Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) deliver affordable systems? The ongoing digitization and miniaturization trends in avionics lead to an increase in components and electronic devices, such as chips and GPUs, generating significant heat, particularly at high altitudes where air is thinner, so effective cooling solutions are essential to maintain the reliability and performance of avionics systems. By embracing new technologies, the aviation industry can also contribute to environmental targets by improving fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, and enhancing operational efficiency.