Stefan Harwarth

Stefan Harwarth

  • Specialist Systems Architect
  • Wind River, Germany

Stefan Harwarth is part of the European Field Application Engineering team of Wind River, the leader for mission critical intelligent edge platforms, working with customers in the Aerospace & Defense market. His focus is on leveraging Wind River’s VxWorks RTOS and Helix Virtualization Platform in customer projects on latest multi-core processor architectures, including certification to safety standards such as DO-178C.
Stefan graduated in Computer Science from the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich and spent several years working in Avionics software development before joining Wind River.


  • Multi-core and Multi-systems

    The complexity of multi-core and multi-system architectures, often built using heterogeneous components like Systems on Chip (SoC), and the mixing of multi-core processors with Open Systems Architecture, provide challenges to test avionics systems, and make it difficult to understand their behavior and define comprehensive testing requirements. Traditional testing methods, designed for single-core systems, are not adequate for verifying the correctness and behavior of multicore systems. Issues like data control coupling, safety critical multicore timing analysis, determinism and the need for extensive coverage testing further complicate the process. What are the latest AMC20-193 guidelines, having replaced CAST-32A? It is important to understand the underlying hardware and software components to effectively test and verify multicore and multisystem avionics systems.

  • Latest Technologies & Developments in the Cockpit/Flight Deck

    Advancements in technologies plays a key role in the development of an efficient aircraft and enhance capabilities. How can Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology offer advanced capabilities for monitoring and surveillance in aviation? What can sensors and data fusion do for avionics, enhancing situational awareness and improving safety? How can fibre optic intercom systems provide interference-free communication, ensuring clear and reliable communication between crew members? How can Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) deliver affordable systems? The ongoing digitization and miniaturization trends in avionics lead to an increase in components and electronic devices, such as chips and GPUs, generating significant heat, particularly at high altitudes where air is thinner, so effective cooling solutions are essential to maintain the reliability and performance of avionics systems. By embracing new technologies, the aviation industry can also contribute to environmental targets by improving fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, and enhancing operational efficiency.