Latest in Regulations and Mandates

May 20, 2025 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Common Project 1 (CP1) Update Heiko Teper Head of Strategy and Technical Execution /SESAR Deployment Manager, Belgium
Reducing the administrative burden on DOAs whilst maintaining standards Ian Devine Managing Director /Devine Aero Consultancy, Germany
DO326A - Airworthiness Security Process (Cyber) (EUROCAE - ED200-2 - WG72) Mark Watson Technical Programme Manager /EUROCAE, France
Evolution of Dynamic Airspace Reconfiguration to Accommodate U-space Traffic in Shared Controlled Airspace Above 500 ft Sergio Ruiz ATM and U-space innovation expert /EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub

As the industry transitions from the Single European Sky (SES) operational framework to a new European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) framework, what are the challenges of the new framework for aviation, in particular for manufacturers and ANSPs? What’s the latest with SESAR 3 in delivering the Digital European Sky? How will the new framework, comprising five regulations, increase interoperability, make the performance of ATM ground equipment more uniform, and support the introduction of innovative technologies to reduce air congestion? How do Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) navigate the implementation process of the new framework? Standardization and simplification of regulations are key objectives to ensure a smooth transition. The ongoing debate between EASA and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) highlights the complexities of international cooperation in aviation regulation. Additionally, the rapid development of drones and EVTOL aircraft necessitates updates to existing regulations to accommodate these emerging technologies.