AI and Automation in the Cockpit

May 21, 2025 9:00 am - 10:30 am
EUROCAE WG-114/SAE G-34 Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Alexis de Cacqueray System Engineer for military avionics /Airbus Defence and Space, Germany
Marc Gatti Scientific Director & Academics Relationship /Thales Avionics SAS, France
Situational Intelligence in the Cockpit: AI’s Transformation of Flight Sylvain Alarie VP of Engineering /Daedalean

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into aviation is rapidly transforming the industry. As AI capabilities advance, there is growing interest in exploring human autonomy, where AI systems share operational responsibilities with pilots. While regulations are evolving to address the implications of AI and Machine Learning in aviation, the relatively unregulated nature of EVTOL aircraft provides an opportunity. The EUROCAE WG114 working group is actively involved in developing technical standards for AI in aviation. AI can significantly enhance cockpit operations by assisting with data analysis and providing valuable insights. Automation and workload balance are also key considerations, as the increasing complexity of aircraft systems raises questions about the optimal number of crew members required. Connected flight management systems (FMS) play a vital role in facilitating data exchange and providing pilots with advanced decision-support tools. By emulating flight management functions, how can AI assist pilots in making better informed decisions and optimizing flight operations?